autohotkey: create a gui window that shows the hotkeys -
how create gui window activated example pressing windows key + n in autohotkey displayes window makes possible enable disable used hot keys of application shown in picture:
i have following code checks connection server, , depending on want change views if no connection found. nsstring *connect = [nsstring stringwithcontentsofurl:[nsurl urlwithstring:@""] encoding:nsutf8stringencoding error:nil]; if (connect == null) { [self performseguewithidentifier:@"network_failure" sender:self]; } else { // other code here } my problem not change views. have added storyboard segue between 2 views identifier of network_failure . not have navigation controller or that, problem? thanks help! no not problem. first of all, in objectivec exists nil object oriented null . must use that. so: if(connect == nil) or better: if(!connect) so due fact nil not same of null , probably code does't enter in if scope . you have been able discover breakpoint. anyway: be sure set trigger segue (line) 2 view controller , , name network_failure (that not best name. should instead view1toview2 ) as, m...
i've code snippet following in testbench function void write_to_port( my_data_type_base data ); my_data_type_extended data_ext; if(!$cast(data_ext, data)); `uvm_error(get_type_name(), "failed cast"); `uvm_info(get_name(), $psprintf("data_ext :\n%s", data_ext.sprint()), uvm_medium) // write data_ext out port.... endfunction when run it, i'm getting uvm_error "failed cast." i'm not quire sure why $cast not returning 1. can see, i'm printing out extended class data item after casting uvm_info. can see it's being cast properly. if don't use $cast if condition, don't runtime error. isn't coding practice use if dynamic cast check if $cast returning 1 ? what might reason behind cast not returning 1 in above case? i think semicolon on line 'if' not belong? i think consumes if statement, , uvm_error executes regardless of how if evaluates: if(!$cast(data_ext, data)); <- no semico...
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