html - Google Map link to markers from external site -

i have question. website has link show on map points custom google map. custom google map has 30ish markers, , when click link website, opens map, , focuses corresponding marker there. use show on map marker 1, custom map opens , focuses marker 1 info bubble. link here

<a href=";msid=202453748669122555293.0004ab5452234ae2281f9&amp;hl=hr&amp;ie=utf8&amp;t=h&amp;vpsrc=6&amp;ll=44.833596,14.728954&amp;spn=0.007304,0.013733&amp;z=16&amp;iwloc=0004ad9b633f7bf6421e7&amp;" rel="external" class="button">show on map</a> 

link map

now, since need replicate google map because dont have acess anymore, wondering how link marker? since website doesnt have javascript or regarding goolge maps, links hardcoded on custom map in source code or something? since know iwloc , coordiantes change on links.. on source code of custom map iwloc same on 3-4 ocurrances in page.

any welcome. tryed search here makes javascript solution. want now... link marker. thanks

open specific map, open desired infowindow(by clicking on marker or on item in sidebar) , copy short url shown when click share-button(in top-right corner of sidebar)


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