bash - Another approach to apply RIPEMD in CSV file -
i looking approach apply ripemd-160 second column of csv file.
here code
awk -f "," -v env_var="$key" '{ tmp="echo -n \047" $2 env_var "\047 | openssl ripemd160 | cut -f2 -d\047 \047" if ( (tmp | getline cksum) > 0 ) { $3 = toupper(cksum) } close(tmp) print }' /test/source.csv > /ziel.csv
i run in big csv file (1go), takes 2 days , 100mo, means need wait month new csv.
can me idea , approach data faster.
thanks in advance
you can use gnu parallel increase speed of output executing awk command in parallel explanation check here
cat /test/source.csv | parallel --pipe awk -f "," -v env_var="$key" '{ tmp="echo -n \047" $2 env_var "\047 | openssl ripemd160 | cut -f2 -d\047 \047" if ( (tmp | getline cksum) > 0 ) { $3 = toupper(cksum) } close(tmp) print }' > /ziel.csv
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