Activiti: deadlocks occuring with queries on tables _TASK, _EXECUTION and _PROCDEF -
we had experienced deadlocks standard 'select' queries provided activiti on following tables: act_ru_task, act_ru_execution , act_re_procdef. here example query:
### sql: select sub.* ( select distinct tempres_id_ id_, tempp_key_ processdefinitionkey, tempp_id_ processdefinitionid, tempres_rev_ rev_, tempres_act_id_ act_id_, tempres_business_key_ business_key_, tempres_is_active_ is_active_, tempres_is_concurrent_ is_concurrent_, tempres_is_scope_ is_scope_, tempres_is_event_scope_ is_event_scope_, tempres_parent_id_ parent_id_, tempres_proc_inst_id_ proc_inst_id_, tempres_super_exec_ super_exec_, tempres_suspension_state_ suspension_state_, tempres_cached_ent_state_ cached_ent_state_, tempvar_id_ var_id_, tempvar_name_ var_name_, tempvar_type_ var_type_, tempvar_rev_ var_rev_, tempvar_proc_inst_id_ var_proc_inst_id_, tempvar_execution_id_ var_execution_id_, tempvar_task_id_ var_task_id_, tempvar_bytearray_id_ var_bytearray_id_, tempvar_double_ var_double_, tempvar_text_ var_text_, tempvar_text2_ var_text2_, tempvar_long_ var_long_ , row_number() on (order tempres_id_ asc) rnk ( select distinct res.id_ tempres_id_, res.rev_ tempres_rev_, p.key_ tempp_key_, p.id_ tempp_id_, res.act_id_ tempres_act_id_, res.proc_inst_id_ tempres_proc_inst_id_, res.business_key_ tempres_business_key_, res.is_active_ tempres_is_active_, res.is_concurrent_ tempres_is_concurrent_, res.is_scope_ tempres_is_scope_, res.is_event_scope_ tempres_is_event_scope_, res.parent_id_ tempres_parent_id_, res.super_exec_ tempres_super_exec_, res.suspension_state_ tempres_suspension_state_, res.cached_ent_state_ tempres_cached_ent_state_, var.id_ tempvar_id_, var.name_ tempvar_name_, var.type_ tempvar_type_, var.rev_ tempvar_rev_, var.proc_inst_id_ tempvar_proc_inst_id_, var.execution_id_ tempvar_execution_id_, var.task_id_ tempvar_task_id_, var.bytearray_id_ tempvar_bytearray_id_, var.double_ tempvar_double_, var.text_ tempvar_text_, var.text2_ tempvar_text2_, var.long_ tempvar_long_ act_ru_execution res inner join act_re_procdef p on res.proc_def_id_ = p.id_ left outer join act_ru_variable var on res.proc_inst_id_ = var.execution_id_ , var.task_id_ null res.parent_id_ null , p.key_ = ? , res.business_key_ = ? )res ) sub sub.rnk >= ? , sub.rnk < ?
activiti version 5.15.1, note cannot upgrade due strict project timeline.
does experienced similar, or have idea start understanding why happens , how prevent it?
when "deadlocks" referring optimistic locking exceptions or actual deadlocks? if actual deadlocks, using mssql server db? ask because causes of optimistic locking exceptions relatively known , can resolved process modeling.
if mssql deadlock, possibly same issue reported under camunda (an activiti fork) here:
there instructions resolution in camunda jira issue if issue.
cheers, greg
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