Java Stream, How to use below code in java stream -
can 1 please me convert in java stream?
private list<string> takeallpages(long iid, string clientid, list<pagesummarylist> pages) { issueheader issuetheader = issueapi.get(iid); string issuesub = issueheader.getsubject(); set<string> samplepagenames = new hashset<>(); (pagesummarylist samplepage : pages) { string entityid = "issue-" + clientid + "-doc-" + samplepage.getname().replace(" ", "-"); list<ticktype> ticklist = ticktypeapi.gettickforentity(entitytype.dell_sop, entityid); (ticktype ticktype : ticklist) { string tickname = ticktype.getname(); if (issuesub.contains(tickname)) { samplepagenames.add(samplepage.getname()); } } } return lists.newarraylist(samplepagenames); }
because did not provide every class code uses not test it, here implementation should work (or minor fixes work).
private list<string> takeallpages(long iid, string clientid, list<pagesummarylist> pages){ issueheader issuetheader = issueapi.get(iid); string issuesub = issueheader.getsubject(); return .flatmap(sp -> { string entityid = "issue-" + clientid + "-doc-" + sp.getname().replace(" ", "-"); return ticktypeapi.gettickforentity(entitytype.dell_sop, entityid).stream(); }) .filter(ticktype -> !issuesub.contains(ticktype.getname())) .collect(collectors.tolist()); }
edit in base code there conceptions errors (i did not see details in requirements, sorry that) have made version , keep first implementation reference.
here correct code think xd (test , figure out).
private list<string> takeallpages(long iid, string clientid, list<pagesummarylist> pages){ issueheader issuetheader = issueapi.get(iid); string issuesub = issueheader.getsubject(); // until here same code provided // code should exact same yours using streams api. // using @stream() method converting @pages list (list<pagesummarylist>) // stream<pagesummarylist>, can perform various operations upon every item in list (@pages). return // firstly converting every pagesummarylist pair (javafx.util.pair if want can create own). // pair contains pagesummarylist , corresponding stream<ticktype>, first loop. // after map operation have stream<pair<pagesummarylist, list<ticktype>>>. .map(sp -> { string entityid = "issue-" + clientid + "-doc-" + sp.getname().replace(" ", "-"); list<ticktype> stream = ticktypeapi.gettickforentity(entitytype.dell_sop, entityid); return new pair<pagesummarylist, list<ticktype>>(sp, stream); }) // here have stream<pair<pagesummarylist, list<ticktype>>> // , want keep list<ticktype> contains element name in @issuesub .filter(pair -> { return pair.getvalue().stream() .filter( tp -> !issuesub.contains(tp.getname()) .count() > 0; }) // want names (its want stream<string> (it in someway set<string> .map(pair -> pair.getkey().getname()) .collect(collectors.tolist()); // want return, list<string> (equal return statement. }
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