javascript - Colorbox not sizing correctly using custom HTML in Safari -

i'm having issue colorbox in safari, versions (works in chrome, ie, ff). see issue here:

left safari, right chrome:

enter image description here

here's js:

// colorbox gallery $( '.slick-photo-gallery-group', maingallery ).colorbox({   maxwidth: '95%',   maxheight:'95%',   fixed: true,   scrolling: false,   rel: 'slick-photo-gallery-group',   html: function() {     var url     = $( ).attr( 'href' ),         content = $( '.slick-photo-gallery-content', $( ).parent() ).html(),         html    = '<div class="slick-photo-colorbox"><img src="' + url + '" height="500"></div>';      if ( content ) {       html += '<div class="slick-photo-colorbox-caption">' + content + '</div>';     }      return html;   } }); 

for reason in safari, colorbox isn't sizing modal correctly causing content cutoff. 1 thing keep in mind images size @ , aspect ratio no scrolling of actual modal.


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