Coldfusion replace() not working on xml imported text -

i'm pulling in xml feed third party website. description field feed contains lot of special characters. when run replace tag on text doesn't change anything. can tell me i'm doing wrong. i've tried running same code , typing in 1 of words feed , replace happens successfully. i've tried using demoronize cflib , doesn't change anything.

<cfhttp url="" method="get"> <cfset mydoc = xmlparse(cfhttp.filecontent) />  <cfloop from="1" to="#arraylen(mydoc.venues.xmlchildren)#" index="i" >   <cfoutput>     <cfset description = '#mydoc.venues.event[i].description.xmltext#'>      raw description:    #description#<br/>      alt description 1:  #replace(description, "’", "'", "all" )#<br/>      alt description 2:  #replace(description, chr(180), "'", "all" )#<br/>  </cfoutput> <br/><hr/><br/>  </cfloop> 


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