c# - File uploads to server. Do I need to check for viruses? -

a proposed website allow people register jobs , upload cv's register. cv picked off server third party using automatic ftp transfer , stored on servers. end user, downloads said file open on pc.

the thrid party has said not check viruses in files , see responsiblity of people either side of file transfer.

if take same approach, , end users scan files upload/download them, there risk server hosting site in terms of infection?

the file extension limited .pdf, .txt .doc etc.

i'd avoid headache of finding anti-virus product can script scan file in real time if possible.

warn end-user

there's no way can make sure downloads files safe, not scanning files av.

if add av server (doesn't winserver2012 come integrated windows defender?) better.

however, while might nice , give user professional feeling , added illusion of security, end-users responsibility make sure he's protected. trusted websites might feature adds hijacked , infect visitors.

make very clear user, before starts download, these files provided third-party not under control.

i'd that's enough.

additional steps

you restrict file type pdf, txt files aren't professional, , major office applications (free included) feature way export pdf (so no doc files needed). reduces attack surface , manage implement own way of scanning pdf files. there should c# libraries able read pdf files , extract fishy content validation, this nice example.


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