rabbitmq - Is it possible to get a "push" when number of messages reaches threshold? -

i want check

  1. what best practice number of messages in queue. know can via queue.getmessagecount() know can monitor plugin gets it. http request? or rabbitmqctl application.(jni?) ? best way if want react when x messages arrive?
  2. and more important - can number of messages in queue via push?

can declare threshold receive push notification? (e.g. signal every time have 5000 messages)

you use queue x-max-length http://www.rabbitmq.com/maxlength.html

queue length measure takes account ready messages, ignoring unacknowledged messages , message size. messages dropped or dead-lettered front of queue make room new messages once limit reached.

so can configure dead letter exchanges , manage messages rejected limit exceeded.

the reason name describing why message dead-lettered , 1 of following: rejected - message rejected requeue=false, expired - ttl of message expired; or maxlen - maximum allowed queue length exceeded.

i hope helps


the idea be:

subscribe queue example _queue on dle when message arrives means reached.

void hanlemymessage(msg){  .....  }     //// consumer _queue   public void handledelivery(string consumertag, envelope envelope,             basicproperties properties, byte[] body) throws java.io.ioexception {                 mymessage m= new mymessage(body)                voidhanlemymessage(m)                startmybulkconsumer()      } 

now can start work_consumer.

    //// consumer work_queue           public void handledelivery(string consumertag, envelope envelope,                     basicproperties properties, byte[] body) throws java.io.ioexception {                         mymessage m= new mymessage(body)                        voidhanlemymessage(m)                         if (msgcount.addandget()==mythreshold){                           closeconsumer()                           } 

this 1 solution.

actually think logic should delegated application: example work_consumer running , application trigger bulk function when reaches .


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