objective c - setting BOOL variable inside block -
i'm trying set bool value defined in class inside block, can't see able set it. code.
__weak __block sptween *tween2weak = tween; __block bool buttonscroll2 = buttonscroll; tween.oncomplete = ^{ [sparrow.juggler removeobject:tween2weak]; buttonscroll2 = no; };
i presume when buttonscroll2 = no
, im doing setting separate variable , not original, how original inside block then?
you correct, once value of buttonscroll
gets copied buttonscroll2
, changes buttonscroll2
have no effect on original buttonscroll
if buttonscroll
instance variable of object, should able access using __weak self
__weak __block sptween *tween2weak = tween; __weak typeof(self) weakself = self; tween.oncomplete = ^{ [sparrow.juggler removeobject:tween2weak]; myclass *strongself = weakself; strongself->buttonscroll = no; };
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