c# - How to change GridView.ItemTemplate while app is running? -

in app have page gridview , combobox. want change gridview.itemtemplate property according selected item in combobox. how should implement it?

btw, know this question, quite old , not "best practice". (how visibility/invisibility of ui control affects cpu/gpu load?)

my gridview:

<gridview x:name="gridviewmain" grid.row="1" selectionmode="none" isitemclickenabled="true"               itemssource="{binding currentlist}" itemtemplate="{staticresource gridviewmainitemtemplate}"               loaded="gridviewmain_loaded" layoutupdated="gridviewmain_layoutupdated">         <interactivity:interaction.behaviors>             <core:eventtriggerbehavior eventname="itemclick">                 <core:callmethodaction methodname="gridviewclick"                                        targetobject="{binding mode=oneway}" />             </core:eventtriggerbehavior>         </interactivity:interaction.behaviors>     </gridview> 

one of templates:

<datatemplate x:key="gridviewmainitemtemplate">         <grid x:name="gridatemplate" width="185" height="288">             <image x:name="imgatemplate" source="{binding image_url}" stretch="uniformtofill"                    horizontalalignment="center" verticalalignment="center" />             <grid background="{themeresource listviewitemoverlaybackgroundthemebrush}" verticalalignment="bottom">                 <grid.rowdefinitions>                     <rowdefinition />                     <rowdefinition />                 </grid.rowdefinitions>                 <grid.columndefinitions>                     <columndefinition />                     <columndefinition />                 </grid.columndefinitions>                 <textblock x:name="textblocktitle" text="{binding title}"                            textwrapping="wrap" style="{staticresource bodytextblockstyle}" margin="5,0,0,0"                            grid.row="0" grid.column="0" grid.columnspan="2" foreground="white" fontweight="bold"                            maxheight="50" />                 <textblock x:name="textblocktype" textwrapping="wrap" style="{staticresource bodytextblockstyle}"                            margin="5,0,0,0"                            grid.column="0" grid.row="1" foreground="white" text="{binding type}" fontweight="bold" />                 <stackpanel grid.row="1" grid.column="1" orientation="horizontal">                     <textblock x:name="textblockprogressl" textwrapping="wrap"                                style="{staticresource bodytextblockstyle}" fontweight="bold" foreground="white"                                text="progress:" />                     <textblock x:name="textblockprogressv" textwrapping="wrap"                                style="{staticresource bodytextblockstyle}" fontweight="bold" foreground="white"                                text="{binding watched_episodes}" margin="10,0,0,10" />                 </stackpanel>             </grid>         </grid>     </datatemplate> 

sure can this! in xaml can anything. cannot change template on fly without re-rendering. remember, telling printer use card stock. obey. if change setting use notebook paper, obey that, too. have print again since has printed on card stock.

there few ways re-render gridview. 1 way navigate away page , navigate back. that's not ideal sounding in scenario. odds are, in scenario, need reset observablecollection using. this:

void reset<t>(observablecollection<t> collection) {     var original = collection.toarray();     collection.clear();     foreach (var item in original)         collection.add(item); } 

best of luck!


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