javascript - jQuery Scrolling Length -

i working script scroll element on click. it's working properly, either scrolls way up, or way down. i'm new jquery, , i'm wondering how make scroll little @ at time. example, clicking scroll down once take down length, clicking again scrolls length again. also, jitters , bugs out when scrolling up. insight on how fix appreciated well!


code below:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script> $(function() {     var ele   = $('#scroll');     var speed = 25, scroll = 5, scrolling;     $('#scroll-up').click(function() {         // scroll element         scrolling = window.setinterval(function() {             ele.scrolltop( ele.scrolltop() - scroll );         }, speed);     });      $('#scroll-down').click(function() {         // scroll element down         scrolling = window.setinterval(function() {             ele.scrolltop( ele.scrolltop() + scroll );         }, speed);     });      $('#scroll-up, #scroll-down').bind({         click: function(e) {             // prevent default click action             e.preventdefault();         },         mouseleave: function() {             if (scrolling) {                 window.clearinterval(scrolling);                 scrolling = false;             }         }     }); }); </script> 

you're saying want scroll little @ time code saying scroll until mouse leaves. if want scroll little @ time why write mouseleave stating if it's been scrolling stop now!

if want scroll up/down bit on click, should rid of setinterval , mouseleave.

$(function() {     var ele   = $('#scroll');     var speed = 25, scroll = 5;     $('#scroll-up').click(function() {         // scroll element         ele.scrolltop( ele.scrolltop() - scroll );     });      $('#scroll-down').click(function() {         ele.scrolltop( ele.scrolltop() + scroll );     });      $('#scroll-up, #scroll-down').bind({         click: function(e) {             // prevent default click action             e.preventdefault();         }     }); }); 



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