flex - Communication between widgets -

i'm new in flex, , im working on webmapping application using flex 4.6, java, , sql server database, i'm trying make communication between wigdets, copy each selected item of combobox in widget1, , show in textinput in widget2, followed steps explaind robert here http://forums.arcgis.com/threads/138...+communication no luck, problem i'm facing can't call components of first widget (textinput, button....) second widget, underlined !!

at jump found change made,

widget 1

var layoutarr:arraycollection = new arraycollection();             private function widgetcommunication1():void             {                 addshareddata("liste des chapitres", layoutarr);              } 

widget 2

<viewer:basewidget xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"                    xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"                    xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx"                    xmlns:viewer="com.esri.viewer.*"                    width="638" height="552" creationcomplete="application1_applicationcompletehandler(event)"                     initialize="basewidget1_initializehandler(event)">  <fx:script>         <![cdata[                          import com.esri.viewer.appevent;             import mx.events.flexevent;     protected function basewidget1_initializehandler(event:flexevent):void             {                 viewercontainer.addeventlistener(appevent.data_publish, shareddataupdated);             }   private function shareddataupdated(event:appevent):void             {                 var data:object = event.data;                                if (data.key == "liste des chapitres")                  {                     dplist.selectedindex = ***intchap***.text;                 }              }     ]]>     </fx:script>  <s:dropdownlist id="dplist" x="10" y="10" width="282" height="26" labelfield="intitulechap" dataprovider="{remoterapportdao.selection.lastresult}" change="dplist_changehandler(event)" ></s:dropdownlist> 

intchap bold & italic textinput in widget1 , got underlined in widget 2, if made communication 1 can tell me i'm messing ?? or code appreciated !

http://web.zone.ee/bespiva/ there example on link above, follow steps, works ;)


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