Word VBA: Have any character styles been assigned within the selection? -

is there simple , universal way find out whether or not character style has been assigned within selected text? presently i'm using function, not independent of ms word language version:

function anycharacterstyleassigned()     'elicit name of default paragraph font      v_applang = application.language     if v_applang = 1031         vst_default = "absatz-standardschriftart"     elseif v_applang = 1045         vst_default = "domy" & chrw(347) & "lna czcionka akapitu"     elseif v_applan = 1033         vst_default = "default paragraph font"     else         msgbox prompt:="this script doesn't work language version of word", buttons:=vbokonly         end     end if      'search default paragraph font within selection range     set r_range = selection.range     r_range.find.clearformatting     r_range.find.style = vst_default     r_range.find.execute findtext:="", forward:=true, wrap:=wdfindstop, format:=true     anycharacterstyleassigned = iif(r_range.start >= selection.end, false, true) end function 

a better test following. code have, if selection doesn't have style, selection never changes, have true case.

public sub styletest()     dim r_range range     set r_range = selection.range     r_range.find.clearformatting     r_range.find.style = "strong"      dim anycharacterstyleassigned boolean     anycharacterstyleassigned = false     if r_range.find.execute(forward:=true, wrap:=wdfindstop, format:=true) = true         r_range.select         anycharacterstyleassigned = true     end if end sub 


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