c++ - Getting random/weird data using Winsock -

i'm new using winsock , see made quick http client (not really) requested index page of website. however, when trying read data received server, not expect. here's example output:


this happens when connecting website try , trying output contents of recvbuf, data received supposed stored. how data returned winsock? also, don't think it's code because don't errors. i'm pretty sure normal , i'm missing step, searching didn't turn i'm asking here.

edit: sorry, can't believe forgot code:

#ifndef win32_lean_and_mean #define win32_lean_and_mean #endif  #include "stdafx.h" #include <winsock2.h> #include <windows.h> #include <ws2tcpip.h> #include <iphlpapi.h> #include <iostream>  #pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib")  using namespace std;  int _tmain(int argc, _tchar* argv[]) {     addrinfo *result, *ptr, hints; zeromemory(&hints, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = af_unspec; hints.ai_socktype = sock_stream; hints.ai_protocol = ipproto_tcp;  wsadata wsadata; int iresult = wsastartup(makeword(2, 2), &wsadata); iresult = getaddrinfo("google.com", "80", &hints, &result); if (iresult != 0) {     cout << "error in getaddrinfo()!\n";     cin.get();     return 1; } else {     cout << "success!\n"; }  socket connectsocket = invalid_socket;  ptr = result;  connectsocket = socket(ptr->ai_family, ptr->ai_socktype, ptr->ai_protocol);  iresult = connect(connectsocket, ptr->ai_addr, int(ptr->ai_addrlen));  freeaddrinfo(result);  int recvbuflen = 512; char *sendbuf = "get / http/1.1"; char recvbuf[512];  send(connectsocket, sendbuf, (int)strlen(sendbuf), 0);  shutdown(connectsocket, sd_send);  {     iresult = recv(connectsocket, recvbuf, recvbuflen, 0);     cout << recvbuf << endl; } while (iresult > 0);  cin.get(); return 0; } 

your http request faulty. read rfc 2616. try instead:

char *sendbuf = "get / http/1.1\r\nhost: google.com\r\n\r\n"; 

that bare minimum needed http 1.1 request.

since closing send portion of socket, should include connection: close header, since not reusing socket subsequent requests:

char *sendbuf = "get / http/1.1\r\nhost: google.com\r\nconnection: close\r\n\r\n"; 

if send http 1.0 request instead, can omit host , connection headers (host not used in 1.0, , close default behavior in 1.0):

char *sendbuf = "get / http/1.0\r\n\r\n"; 

that being said, reading loop simple, not how http responses should read. need read http headers line-by-line until encounter blank line, parse headers , read rest of http body, if any, based on how headers tell read (see rfc 2616 section 4.4 details). see this other answer wrote proper workflow.


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