javascript - Clicking on Links in a Table using Protractor -
i have dynamic table, first column consists of links. there way click on first element in column?
p.s - solution click on element, without addition of id's column elements highly appreciated.
edit: javascript code create first column
$('#list').datatable({ "blengthchange": false, "idisplaylength": 50, order: [[ 0, "asc" ]], data : listdata, columns: [ { data : 'entityname', render: function(data, type, full, meta){ return '<a class="showloading" href="/application/' + full.entityid + '/test">' + '<span class="textunderlineblue" title="'+ data + '">' + data + '</span>' + '</a>'; } }, { data : 'serviceexecutive', render: function(data, type, full, meta){ return data; } } ] });
i want click on first element in column
link =element('tableid')).all(by.tagname('td')).get(1).all(by.tagname('a'));;
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