perl - Installation of bioperl in Ubuntu 12.04LS -

i trying install bioperl package in perl environment of version 5.20.0, unable in stuffs. idea , suggestion of websites varies , going uneasy me. please suggest me protocols installing bioperl in ubuntu 12.04ls.


install , configure basic ubuntu server

do install configure.

apt-get clean apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get install ssh screen apt-get clean 

install as possible apt-get

enable universe , multiverse in /etc/apt/sources.list

apt-get update apt-get install \  lynx unzip zip ncftp gcc libc6-dev make mysql-server apache2 \  perl libgd-gd2-perl libcgi-session-perl libclass-base-perl libexpat1-dev apt-get clean 

install cpan , perl modules not available via apt-get

cpan -i 'text::shellwords'  # choose defaults if first time 

install bioperl

cd /tmp wget -n tar -xjvf current_core_unstable.tar.bz2 cd bioperl-* perl   # choose defaults ./build test ./build install 


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