ios - How to truncate label in cocos2dV3.0 -
i trying truncate label when text becomes large instead got expanded center moving left side.
this snippet.
cclabelttf *playerlabel = [cclabelttf labelwithstring:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"playerdadsadsd %d",i+1] fontname:@"helvetica-bold" fontsize:fontsize]; playerlabel.color = playercolor; = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%d",1002+i]; playerlabel.position = ccp(playersprite.position.x + playersprite.contentsize.width + 10, ypos); playerlabel.adjustsfontsizetofit = yes; [self addchild:playerlabel];
i'm not sure trying achieve, try passing dimensions
parameter init method:
//the label won't go out of rectangle cgsize rect = cgsizemake(viewsize.width * 0.1f, viewsize.height * 0.1f); nsstring *text = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"playerdadsadsd %d",i+1]; cclabelttf *playerlabel = [cclabelttf labelwithstring: text fontname: @"helvetica-bold" fontsize: fontsize dimensions: rect]; // <-- note parameter //.. rest of code..
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