android - Getting images from gallery, some images doesn't show even image path is obtained -
i'm trying fetch images paths inside gallery(including subfolders) working fine, of images failing show thumbnails
*obtaining paths inside arraylist
string[] projection = new string[]{ mediastore.images.imagecolumns._id,, mediastore.images.imagecolumns.date_taken, }; final cursor cursor = getactivity().getcontentresolver().query(, projection, null, null, mediastore.images.imagecolumns.date_taken + " desc"); if (cursor.movetofirst()) { final string imagelocation = cursor.getstring(1); locations.add(imagelocation); while (cursor.movetonext()) { string templocation = cursor.getstring(1); boolean fileexists = new file(templocation).isfile(); if (fileexists) { locations.add(templocation); } } cursor.close();
*setting image inside imageview
uri uri = uri.fromfile(new file(mitems.get(position))); picasso.with(getcontext()) .load(uri) .resize(200, 200) .centercrop() .placeholder(r.drawable.placeholder_media) .error(r.drawable.placeholder_error_media) .nofade() .into(mmediathumb);
use :
to check if there error retrieving image in logcat.
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