php - Mega Menu of Wordpress -

i customizing mega menu of word press.

link :- , 

i want change text color on hover of blue background tab white (please see screenshot under

i applying css applying this, color change of whole menu:-

#mega_main_menu.primary > .menu_holder > .menu_inner > .nav_logo > .mobile_toggle > .mobile_button,  #mega_main_menu.primary > .menu_holder > .menu_inner > ul > li > .item_link, #mega_main_menu.primary > .menu_holder > .menu_inner > ul > li > .item_link * {     color: #4c4c4c; } 

you need specify link referencing in code. can adding link id css. can add !important declarations code make sure overrides other css.

 #mega_main_menu .menu_holder .menu_inner .mega_main_menu_ul li#menu-item-4306 a:hover span {color: #333 !important;} #mega_main_menu .menu_holder .menu_inner .mega_main_menu_ul li#menu-item-4306 a:hover {background: #fff !important;} 


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