reactjs - How to clear material ui autocomplete selected values on button click in react js? -

i want clear material ui autocomplete selected values on click on reset button ? making state empty. still not happening.can suggest how achieve this? below code.

import autocomplete 'material-ui/autocomplete'; import raisedbutton 'material-ui/raisedbutton';      const providers = ['aaa', 'aaaaa', 'bbb', 'bbbbb', 'ccc', 'ddd'];     export default class physiciandetails extends react.component {       constructor(props) {         super(props);         this.state = {provider:''}     }     this.providerchange = this.providerchange.bind(this);     this.handlereset = this.handlereset.bind(this);      providerchange(value) {debugger;         this.setstate({ provider:value });       }      handlereset() {     this.setstate({provider:''});     }     render() {      return(     <div>     <autocomplete floatinglabeltext='providers' filter={autocomplete.caseinsensitivefilter} onupdateinput={this.providerchange} datasource={providers} />     <raisedbutton label='reset' onclick={this.handlereset} />     </div>     )}     } 


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