user interface - python ttk Button sub components -

how can access python ttk button subcomponents?
for labelframe, apply

framestyle = style() framestyle.configure('bw.tlabelframe', background="#272626", foreground="#272626", font=('arial', 9), relief='flat', bd=1, bg="#272626")  labelstyle = style() labelstyle.configure('bw.tlabelframe.label', background="#272626", foreground="#fff", font=('arial', 9)) 

why don't work on button? have tried following:

btnstyle = style() btnstyle.configure('bw.tbutton.border', background="#fff", foreground="#fff", font=('arial', 9), relief='flat', bd=1, bg="#272626") 

also 'bw.tbutton.border', 'bw.tbutton.focus' , 'bw.tbutton.spacing' don't work, docs should.

i came following give button border. had change tkinter, or wouldn't work

self.btnframe = frame(self.lblfaudio, bd=1) self.btnrefresh = button(self.btnframe, text="refresh") self.btnrefresh.configure(bg="#272626", fg="#fff", font=("arial", 9), bd=0, relief="flat", highlightcolor="#272626", highlightthickness=2) self.btnrefresh.grid(row=0, column=0, pady=0, padx=0, sticky=n+w) self.btnrefresh.configure(width=16) self.btnframe.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=n, pady=(5, 10), padx=(0, 10)) 


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