handlebars.js - HandlebarsJS - {{#each}} statement with 2 strings -

is possible this?

{{#each not categorized}}     <p>blablab</p> {{/each}} 

or have

{{#each not_categorized}}     <p>blablab</p> {{/each}} 

because when use first option, nothing gets displayed!?

my json returns:

{   "not categorized": [     { .... }   ],    "live": [     {....}   ],    "others": [     {....}   ] } 

it works when do:

{{#each live}}   .... {{/each} 

what issue here?

thanks in advance...

access using brackets []

{{#each [not categorized]}}     <p>blablab</p> {{/each}} 

you can use in combinations dot notation if need access sub objects.


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