java - Hibernate performs delete cascade in wrong order -
my db throwing constraing violation (fk) because hibernate performs cascade delete in wrong order.
details: delete member, has wallet wallet transactions (value-type), , wallet transaction has association product member contains collection of products (see hibernate mapping below).
i delete member instance, , want hibernate remove both products , wallet transactions. seems first removes product instances (through cascading), such fk violation thrown db, it's still referenced wallet transaction, wasn't removed yet (through cascade)
i played around cascade setting, all-delete-orphan (on products), etc..., no luck emptied wallet transactions , flushed hibernate session in same removal transaction, same error.
please understanding , order of cascade deletion correct?
the hibernate mapping (i left out none-important parts pk , properties):
<class name="member" table="mem" > <component name="wallet" class="wallet"> <set name="transactions" table="wallet_tx" cascade="all"> <cache usage="read-write" /> <key column="idtaxer" not-null="true" /> <composite-element class="wallettransaction"> <property name="amount" type="big_decimal" column="amount" /> <many-to-one name="product" column="idprdinst" class="product" cascade="none" /> </composite-element> </set> </component> <set name="products" cascade="delete" inverse="true"> <key column="idtaxer" not-null="true" /> <one-to-many class="product" /> </set> </class> <class name="product" table="prd" > ... <many-to-one name="member" column="idmember" class="member" cascade="none" /> </class>
the db error:
error: update or delete on table "prd" violates foreign key constraint "fk_1umej7" on table "wallet_tx" detail: key (id)=(75bef42fc4544) still referenced table "wallet_tx".
if empty wallet transaction , expect deleted must set delete-orphan on transactions relationship.
if product still deleted 1st, can flush after removing wallet tx transaction set, work it's surely not state-of-art way.
otherwise try map product - transaction onetomany relationship , set delete cascade on (with inverse), product deletion first trigger transaction deletion.
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