reporting services - SSRS Ticket Counts by Stage -

i trying counts ticket stages simple percent closed , expressions not working correctly. stage -open -in progress -closed

i trying counts for: -open -in progress

the ssrs expression using is:

=count(iif (fields!stage.value="closed",1,nothing)), count(iif (fields!stage.value="in progress",1,nothing)) 

lastly trying percent closed, includes: -open -in progress

the expression using is:

=count(iif (fields!stage.value="closed",1,nothing)) \ count(iif (fields!stage.value="in progress",1,nothing)), count(iif (fields!stage.value="open",1,nothing)) \ 100 

any assistance appreciated.

try changing count function sum , change nothing zero(shouldn't strictly necessary):

sum(iif (fields!stage.value="closed",1,0)) 


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