jquery - Why won't the change event handler work with my code? -

my script below detects when key pressed on text input. problem method detects when keys shift , control , escape pressed. want ajax script execute when text input changed. said, on('keydown', function()) works, on('change', function()) won't when type in field. not sure what's going on here.

$(document).on('change', '[rel^="livesearch"]', function () {              console.log('key pressed');             if($(this).length >= 3){                  var fieldname = $(this).prop("name");                 var searchmenu = $('#livesearch');                  $.ajax({                     url: searchmenu.data('ajax-url')+'/'+$('input[name="'+fieldname+'"]').val(),                     datatype: "xml",                     statuscode: {                         404: function(){alert("404 not found!")}                     }                 })                 .done(function(xml){                     if($(xml).find('member').length > 0){                         $(xml).find('member').each(function(){                             var memberid = $(this).attr("mid");                             var membername = $(this).find('displayname').text();                             searchmenu.html('<li onclick="appendvalue(\''+fieldname+'\', \''+memberid+'\');hidemenu(\''+searchmenu+'\');">'+membername+'</li>');                             searchmenu.show();                         });                     } else {                         searchmenu.html('');                         searchmenu.hide();                     }                 });                               }  }); 

the change event doesn't fire on text input field until leave it.

to detect when real character keys have been typed input, use keypress event instead of keydown.


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