Bash backup wont work -

i'm trying gzip file using script not work , continues throw errors. can please giveme guidance on wrong script?

defaultdirectory=”/backup” if [ -d "$defaultdirectory" ];  mkdir -p /backup  fi # makes directory if directory not exist  # set timestamp backup timestamp=`date +%y%m%d.%h%m`  # let user choose want backup echo -n "select file or directory want backup"  read chosendata     # read backup file name file echo -n "select file name"  read fname  # start backup. echo -e "starting backup"  # compress directory , files, direct tar.gz file destination directory tar -vczf ${fname}-${timestamp}.tar.gz ${chosendata} > ${defaultdirectory}  # end backup. echo -e "backup complete" 

redirecting output tar command defaultdirectory isn't doing comment specifies.

i think want save file in defaultdirectory.

change line

tar -vczf ${fname}-${timestamp}.tar.gz ${chosendata} > ${defaultdirectory} 


tar -vczf $defaultdirectory/${fname}-${timestamp}.tar.gz ${chosendata} 


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