node.js - change `dest` option on the fly -

i have grunt tasks compile files , "recycle" them inside different tasks.

i trying modify destination directory without success... idea like:

grunt.registertask('bower', ['compile:index', 'compile:core'], function(){     this.options({dest: 'dist/*.js'}); }); 

the compile:index task runs (i.e. when called alone) , has dest: 'index.js, other tasks have other filenames. change these inside bowertask, adding new directory keeping filename defined in original task.

is possible?

you can create dynamic alias task configures , runs tasks such:

grunt.registertask('bower', function(target) {   target = target || 'index';   if (target === 'core') {     grunt.config('compile.core.dest', 'dist/core.js');   } else {     grunt.config('compile.index.dest', 'dist/index.js');     // call after compile:index has ran configure compile:core['compile:index', 'bower:core', 'compile:core']);   } }); 

then entering grunt bower or grunt bower:index dynamically configure/run compile:index task, configure/run compile:core task.


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