dns - WAMP server name not found for virtual host in apache -
system: windows7 64-bit wamp server 32-bit version: apache : 2.4.9 mysql : 5.6.17 php : 5.5.12 phpmyadmin : 4.1.14 sqlbuddy : 1.3.3 xdebug : 2.2.5
my issue when navigate project "local.blamo1.com" - via wamp "localhost" chrome returns: "oops! google chrome not find local.blamo1.com"
i able access project folder "localhost/local.blamo1.com" - understand it, bad practice throw off server mapping 1 directory. able access project designated server alias. have implemented following...
httpd-vhosts.conf location: "c:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.config"
# virtual hosts # # required modules: mod_log_config # if want maintain multiple domains/hostnames on # machine can setup virtualhost containers them. configurations # use name-based virtual hosts server doesn't need worry # ip addresses. indicated asterisks in directives below. # # please see documentation @ # <url:http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/vhosts/> # further details before try setup virtual hosts. # # may use command line option '-s' verify virtual host # configuration. <virtualhost *:80> documentroot "c:/wamp/www" servername localhost serveralias localhost <directory "c:/wamp/www"> allowoverride require local </directory> </virtualhost> <virtualhost *:80> documentroot "c:/wamp/www/local.blamo1.com" servername local.blamo1.com serveralias local.blamo1.com <directory "c:/wamp/www/local.blamo1.com"> allowoverride require local </directory> </virtualhost>
hosts file location: "c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts"
# copyright (c) 1993-2009 microsoft corp. # # sample hosts file used microsoft tcp/ip windows. # # file contains mappings of ip addresses host names. each # entry should kept on individual line. ip address should # placed in first column followed corresponding host name. # ip address , host name should separated @ least 1 # space. # # additionally, comments (such these) may inserted on individual # lines or following machine name denoted '#' symbol. # # example: # # rhino.acme.com # source server # x.acme.com # x client host # localhost name resolution handled within dns itself. # localhost localhost local.blamo1.com #::1 localhost #::1 local.blamo1.com
httpd.conf location: "c:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\conf\httpd.conf
i have un-commented these lines
include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf loadmodule vhost_alias_module modules/mod_vhost_alias.so
current diagnosis
apache httpd -t return: "syntax ok"
i think has dns or ports, or whatev - not have enough experience level or how dns not able resolve domain:
after tried ping project:
ping local.blamo1.com "ping request not find host local.blamo.com. please check name , try again.
please me understand why getting issue. have been working on day , half. apologies if there not adequate information make diagnosis of problem. provide more information necessary.
all best.
i able solve issue - props post: http://www.tweaksforgeeks.com/windows7/2011/02/windows-7-hosts-file-ignored
the issue appeared corrupted "hosts" files - know sure solution delete hosts file , create new 1 raw text old. causality inexplicable.
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