java - Android AutoCompleteTextView showing wrong suggestions -
i had autocompletetextview working until decided use custom adapter, way customize of each row. here happens:
as can see, suggestion wrong. happening type, shows correct number of suggestions, actual names of them first ones in list. @ point should show 1 suggestion texas a&m, instead shows first 1 in list. here how implementing adapter.
//setup filter list<string> allcollegeslist = new arraylist<string>(); for(college c : mainactivity.collegelist) { allcollegeslist.add(c.getname()); } autocompletedropdownadapter adapter = new autocompletedropdownadapter(main, r.layout.list_row_dropdown, allcollegeslist); //the old way of using adapter, worked fine //arrayadapter<string> adapter = new arrayadapter<string>(main, android.r.layout.simple_dropdown_item_1line, allcollegeslist); textview.setadapter(adapter);
as actual adapter class:
public class autocompletedropdownadapter extends arrayadapter<string>{ mainactivity main; int rowlayout; list<string> allcollegeslist; public autocompletedropdownadapter(mainactivity main, int rowlayout, list<string> allcollegeslist) { super(main, rowlayout, allcollegeslist); this.main = main; this.rowlayout = rowlayout; this.allcollegeslist = allcollegeslist; } @override public view getview(int position, view convertview, viewgroup parent) { try{ if(convertview==null){ // inflate layout layoutinflater inflater = ((mainactivity) main).getlayoutinflater(); convertview = inflater.inflate(rowlayout, parent, false); } // object item based on position string college = allcollegeslist.get(position); // textview , set text (item name) , tag (item id) values textview collegetextview = (textview) convertview.findviewbyid(; collegetextview.settext(college); collegetextview.settypeface(fontmanager.light); } catch (nullpointerexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } return convertview; } }
what happens here when autocompletetextview
calls getfilter
method of arrayadapter
returned, takes care of filtering arrayadapter
, not allcollegeslist
. when type first characters, methods of filter
called , arrayadapter
has filtered elements @ first positions (0, 1, ...
). when autocompletetextview
uses implementation views. use list if no filtering done , use first elements of unfiltered list.
you can filter own list overriding getfilter
method of adapter. more coding necessary.
you can use arrayadapter
's methods , not own list, instead:
string college = getitem(position);
instead of
string college = allcollegeslist.get(position);
you can context parent
too, using getcontext()
method. way can decouple adapter mainactivity
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