We get paypal error 10423 with no clue what is wrong -
we big webshop provider, , have thousands of webshops in our system.
we have case error in doexpresscheckout paymentaction of authorization here error
ack: failure build: 000000 version: 117.0 timestamp: 2017-04-06t08:54:36z correlationid: 4d6d16d1d30fa errorcode: 10423 severitycode: error shortmessage: transaction refused because of invalid argument. see additional error messages details. longmessage: transaction cannot completed paymentaction of authorization.
we have no clue wrong. because happens specific paypal account of specific customer.
we have 2 shops / 1 of customer of us. error. made shop in our system connected paypal verified business account , real personal account bought item shop , works. no errors.
we tried the same problematic customer , error. sure code use same in both cases , there no difference in our handling. question wrong on other paypal business account?
could sdk problem?
did try google it? googled 'paypal 10423' , found:
issue paypal returned api error code 10423 - transaction cannot completed paymentaction of authorization. cause set paymentaction "sale" setexpresscheckout @ first api call.
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