matlab - Add sequential row names into a table created using a for-loop -
i wrote following program create table combt. trying add rows names table no luck. want add new column containing row names , each row named sequentially i.e. (['row' num2str(j)])
%% create tables. combt = []; %% loop. = [224:231, 271:281]; j = sprintf('%04d', i) %% name fit results sequentially. comb.(['comb' j]) = cfit(fitresult); %% export combined variables table. combt = [combt;comb.(['comb' j])]; end %% name columns. final = dataset({combt 'a','b','c','d','wa','wb','wc','wd','xa','xb','xc','xd','y0','rsquare'});
the current table looks this:
i need (the row names can achieved (['row' num2str(j)])
if want initialize combt variable different names this.
%% loop. = [224:231, 271:281]; j = sprintf('%04d', i) %% export combined variables table. combt.(['comb' j])]=[]; end
if want give names entries this:
aaa=1:10; i=1:length(aaa) names{i}=['c',num2str(i)]; end aaa_dataset = dataset(aaa','obsnames',names)
in case (make sure have name each entry):
final = dataset(combt,'obsnames',{'a','b','c','d','wa','wb','wc','wd','xa','xb','xc','xd','y0','rsquare'});
if want names added matrix:
a=rand(10,10); i=1:10 names{i}=['c',num2str(i)]; end a_cell=cell(size(a,1),size(a,2)+1); a_cell(1:end,2:end)=num2cell(a); a_cell(1:end,1)=names
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