powershell - How to read CSV file based on first letter -
i have csv file list of usernames "jsmith, mdoe, smae, etc."
i need read file in powershell , add them different ad groups based on first letter. "jsmith" need go in group j, "mdoe" need go in group m, , "smae" need go in group s.
how can read data , separate based on first letter?
read file, add group based on .substring(0,1).
if have header line want add select -skip 1 |
before %{
gc file.csv | %{add-adgroupmember ($_.substring(0,1)) $_}
edit: ok, want broken down i'll best.
gc file.csv
- gc short get-content. read file, , pass contents along pipe 1 line @ time.
- short foreach{
, things in script block {...}
performed each line.
add-adgroupmember ($_.substring(0,1)) $_
- command adds user account ad group. first argument ($_.substring(0,1))
group adding to. reads $_
(the current line being processed) .substring(0,1)
means taking part of string, starting @ character 0 (the first character), , grabbing 1 character, (0,1)
part of it. , second argument $_
entire line being processed, should user name according said. }
- closes foreach loop.
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