c# - Change the text of label from javascript -
so first problem happen when click button? page refresh or else, because i'm working on small project , facing problem
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var totaltime = 0; var interval = 0; var min = 0; var hr = 0; var sec = 0; var secstr = 0; var minstr = 0; var flag = 0; window.onload = startresettimer function startresettimer() { totaltime = 20; hr = math.floor(totaltime / 3600); sec = totaltime % 60; if (sec == 0) min = (totaltime / 60) % 60; flag = 1; interval = setinterval(function () { if (flag == 1) { if (totaltime <= 0) { flag = 0; pagemethods.callit(); } else { totaltime--; hr = math.floor(totaltime / 3600) sec = totaltime % 60 if (sec == 0) min = (totaltime / 60) % 60 if (sec < 10) secstr = "0" + sec else secstr = sec if (min < 10) minstr = "0" + min else minstr = min } } console.log(document.getelementbyid('maincontent_label2')); document.getelementbyid('maincontent_label2').innerhtml = "" + hr + ":" + minstr + ":" + secstr }, 1000) } </script>
this timer code , when timer expire i'm calling page method "callit()" //just debug name// //asp.net code
public partial class _default : system.web.ui.page { public static _default obj; protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e) { obj = this; } public void print() { label1.text = "called form every where"; } [webmethod] public static void callit() { obj.print(); } protected void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e) { obj.print(); } }
now callit() call function print() change text of "label1" , calling same function print() button click, when press button change text of label1 when timer expire doesn't, print() function s called check using breakpoints doesn't reflect in page.so thought page refresh should place
if(totaltime <= 0) { pagemethods.callit(); window.location.reload() ; }
but restart timer.
when call web method of asp.net page javascript, ms javasvript engine ajax request page , return javascript data provided service call , that's it. callit method returns nothing in javascript receive nothing, , said else not evaluated, please not store "this" in static property, 'cause page object recreates each time during each request , can wrong in in multi-client environment.
so recommend call method javascript, collect data method returns , manually update label using javascript in browser
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