javascript - How to get age from date string using angular 2 -

i have check age validation, have tried following method getting age:

let newdate = new date(this.userdob); var timediff = math.abs( - newdate); let age = math.floor((timediff / (1000 * 3600 * 24)) / 365); 

here this.userdob string. how can use string age using javascript?

i have done using this,

var dob = //here im getting dob var today = new date(); var birthdate = new date(dob); var age = today.getfullyear() - birthdate.getfullyear(); var m = today.getmonth() - birthdate.getmonth(); if (m < 0 || (m === 0 && today.getdate() < birthdate.getdate())) {     age--; } 

now i'm able check age


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