windows 8.1 - How to change bsod colour? -

according this: 

nt!bgpclearscreen: fffff802cb0a9184 48895c2408 mov qword ptr [rsp+8],rbx fffff802cb0a9189 4889742418 mov qword ptr [rsp+18h],rsi fffff802cb0a918e 48897c2420 mov qword ptr [rsp+20h],rdi fffff802cb0a9193 55 push rbp fffff802cb0a9194 4156 push r14 fffff802cb0a9196 4157 push r15 fffff802cb0a9198 488bec mov rbp,rsp fffff802cb0a919b 4883ec40 sub rsp,40h fffff802cb0a919f 8b054b890b00 mov eax,dword ptr [nt!bginternal+0x70 (fffff802cb161af0)] fffff802cb0a91a5 448bf1 mov r14d,ecx fffff802cb0a91a8 a801 test al,1 fffff802cb0a91aa 750a jne nt!bgpclearscreen+0x32 (fffff802cb0a91b6) branch nt!bgpclearscreen+0x28: fffff802cb0a91ac b8010000c0 mov eax,0c0000001h fffff802cb0a91b1 e90d010000 jmp nt!bgpclearscreen+0x13f (fffff802cb0a92c3) branch -truncated code- nt!bgpclearscreen+0xb2: fffff802cb0a9236 e80128efff call nt!bgpgetbitsperpixel (fffff802caf9ba3c) fffff802cb0a923b 8bd0 mov edx,eax fffff802cb0a923d 488d4de0 lea rcx,[rbp-20h] fffff802cb0a9241 41b900200000 mov r9d,2000h fffff802cb0a9247 4c8d05b2581100 lea r8,[nt!kiinitialpcr+0x11b00 (fffff802cb1beb00)] fffff802cb0a924e e83939efff call nt!bgpgxinitializerectangle (fffff802caf9cb8c) fffff802cb0a9253 85c0 test eax,eax fffff802cb0a9255 786c js nt!bgpclearscreen+0x13f (fffff802cb0a92c3) branch nt!bgpclearscreen+0xd3: fffff802cb0a9257 418bd6 mov edx,r14d fffff802cb0a925a 488d0d9f581100 lea rcx,[nt!kiinitialpcr+0x11b00 (fffff802cb1beb00)] fffff802cb0a9261 e8b22defff call nt!bgpgxfillrectangle (fffff802caf9c018) fffff802cb0a9266 33c9 xor ecx,ecx fffff802cb0a9268 894d2c mov dword ptr [rbp+2ch],ecx fffff802cb0a926b 4585ff test r15d,r15d fffff802cb0a926e 7449 je nt!bgpclearscreen+0x135 (fffff802cb0a92b9) branch nt!bgpclearscreen+0xec: fffff802cb0a9270 83652800 , dword ptr [rbp+28h],0 fffff802cb0a9274 85f6 test esi,esi fffff802cb0a9276 7437 je nt!bgpclearscreen+0x12b (fffff802cb0a92af) branch nt!bgpclearscreen+0xf4: fffff802cb0a9278 488d5528 lea rdx,[rbp+28h] fffff802cb0a927c 488d0d7d581100 lea rcx,[nt!kiinitialpcr+0x11b00 (fffff802cb1beb00)] fffff802cb0a9283 e8d825efff call nt!bgpgxdrawrectangle (fffff802caf9b860) fffff802cb0a9288 f6058158110010 test byte ptr [nt!kiinitialpcr+0x11b10 (fffff802cb1beb10)],10h fffff802cb0a928f 740f je nt!bgpclearscreen+0x11c (fffff802cb0a92a0) branch nt!bgpclearscreen+0x10d: fffff802cb0a9291 418bd6 mov edx,r14d fffff802cb0a9294 488d0d65581100 lea rcx,[nt!kiinitialpcr+0x11b00 (fffff802cb1beb00)] fffff802cb0a929b e8782defff call nt!bgpgxfillrectangle (fffff802caf9c018) nt!bgpclearscreen+0x11c: fffff802cb0a92a0 8b4528 mov eax,dword ptr [rbp+28h] fffff802cb0a92a3 03c7 add eax,edi fffff802cb0a92a5 894528 mov dword ptr [rbp+28h],eax fffff802`cb0a92a8 3bc6 cmp eax,esi -truncated code- possible change bsod colour , smiley? how can change that?


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