c# - how to get values of dynamic textbox in Asp.net using Json Ajax -

jsfiddle -> https://jsfiddle.net/rdgkr4t6/

i have count date diff , according create dynamic textbox , update dynamic textbox value table , in date should have auto increment todate , process on single person ..

how send data aspx.cs file , how update in data base accordin date todate diff ...

    $(document).ready(function () {         $('#btnsave').on("click", function (e) {             e.preventdefault();           })     })      function getvalue() {          alert('hi');         var fromdate = $('#<%=txtfromdate.clientid%>').val();         var todate = $('#<%=txttodate.clientid%>').val();         var total = $('#<%= txttotal.clientid %>').val();         var dataobj = {             "fromdate": fromdate,             "todate": todate,         };           var datafinal = [];        // dataobj.dyval = [];         if (total >0) {             (var = 1; <= total; i++) {                 datafinal.push($("#txtday1" + i).val());                         alert(datafinal);                 //dataobj.dyval.push($("#txtday1" + i).val());                 //alert(dataobj);             }         }         var para = { "odhours": datafinal };         alert(json.stringify(para));          alert(json.stringify(dataobj));           $.ajax({             type: "post",             url: "od.aspx/putdataindb",             async: false,             data: json.stringify({ "param": dataobj, "odhours": datafinal }),             contenttype: "application/json; charset=utf-8",             datatype: "json",             success:                 function (data) {                     console.log(data);                 alert("hi");             },             error:                  function (req, status, err) {                      console.log('something went wrong', status, err);                  }         });       }       function tot() {         //alert("fun tot call");         var mydate = $('#<%=txtfromdate.clientid %>').val();             var chunks = mydate.split('/');             var formatteddate = [chunks[1], chunks[0], chunks[2]].join("/");             var mydate1 = $('#<%=txttodate.clientid %>').val();             var chunks1 = mydate1.split('/');             var formatteddate1 = [chunks1[1], chunks1[0], chunks1[2]].join("/");             dt1 = new date(formatteddate);             dt2 = new date(formatteddate1);             //alert(dt1);             //alert(dt2);             var total = 1 + (math.floor((date.utc(dt2.getfullyear(), dt2.getmonth(), dt2.getdate()) - date.utc(dt1.getfullyear(), dt1.getmonth(), dt1.getdate())) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)));             //alert(total);             $('#<%= txttotal.clientid %>').val(total);              $('#appenddays').html("");             (var = 1; <= total; i++)             {                 $('#appenddays').append('<tr><td valign="top" align="left"><label>day ' + + '(hours)</label></td><td valign="top" align="left">&nbsp;</td><td class="control-group" valign="top" align="left"><div> <input type="text" id="txtday1' + + '"  style="width: 235px;" /></div></td></tr>');             }         } </script> 

thank in advance new asp.net c# ready code--> dynamic textbox ajax call not working --> value; pass data aspx.cs file ..


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