Python coverting list to dictionary -

i trying write function takes list of strings containing names , marks parameter. , return dictionary of (mark, [list of names got mark])


def example(["john,5", "jessica,5", "jack,7"]): 


{'5' : ["john", "jessica"], '7' : "jack"} 

i find tricky problem... how solve using split(',')

this i've done far:

def create_marks_dict(my_list):     dictionary = {}      name in my_list:         if name not in dictionary:             dictionary[name]     return dictionary 

you'll need use defaultdict collections use lists in dictionary

from collections import defaultdict def create_marks_dict(my_list):         dictionary = defaultdict(list)     item in my_list:                                                       name, marks=item.split(',')        dictionary[marks].append(name)                                    return dictionary 


{'5' : ["john", "jessica"], '7' : "jack"} 

if output of dict required instead of defaultdict, can cast dictionary while returning

return dict(dictionary) 


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