android - Cordova always return ant error -

i spent day setup cordova 3.5 android enviroment on windows 7. have no idea why hard !!!

when command "cordova platform add android". error.

executing command 'ant' make sure have ant installed , added path

enter image description here

below setup

under variable username android_home c:\development\adt-bundle\sdk ant_home     c:\development\apache-ant-1.9.4 java_home    c:\development\java\jdk1.8.0_05  path         %android_home%\tools;%android_home%\platform-tools;%ant_home%\bin;c:\users\vzhen\appdata\roaming\npm  testing command java -version fine ant -version fine npm -version fine cordova -version fine 

let me know missing?

this related question

it appears issue related xcopy , can possibly solved updating path this:

%systemroot%\system32; %systemroot%; %systemroot%\system32\wbem; 


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