android - Cordova always return ant error -
i spent day setup cordova 3.5 android enviroment
on windows 7
. have no idea why hard !!!
when command "cordova platform add android". error.
executing command 'ant' make sure have ant installed , added path
below setup
under variable username android_home c:\development\adt-bundle\sdk ant_home c:\development\apache-ant-1.9.4 java_home c:\development\java\jdk1.8.0_05 path %android_home%\tools;%android_home%\platform-tools;%ant_home%\bin;c:\users\vzhen\appdata\roaming\npm testing command java -version fine ant -version fine npm -version fine cordova -version fine
let me know missing?
this related question
it appears issue related xcopy
, can possibly solved updating path
%systemroot%\system32; %systemroot%; %systemroot%\system32\wbem;
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