Git- Switched to a new branch but files from other branch still exists Drupal -

cloned git repo server, switched branch in origin. installed bunch of contrib modules committed them new local branch b. wanted work on clean version of origin branch a. created new local branch c origin repo.
when try install similar contrib module in fresh local branch c committed in branch b, see module files exist.

shouldn't switching branches allow me work on clean fresh copy?

also when switch branches origin branch a, still see modules downloaded branch b. since fresh checkout suppose should not see them do? tried reading through various git material not understand whats wrong current setup.

any clues?

update how installed contrib modules? drush dl how download new modules in drupal. adds new folder current folder structure , related entry in database

created new local branches

git checkout -b mylocalbranch-b  git checkout git checkout -b mylocalbranch 

why doesn't git remove files when switch branch?

summary: files not tracked. solution: switch original branch, "git add [filesthatwerentaddedyet]" , then, when change branch again, think remove files.


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