angular - angular2 jquery UI sortable with model update -
created component having array of datas , doing sortable using jquery ui sortable. pfb component code.
import { component, afterviewinit } '@angular/core'; declare var $:any; @component({ selector: 'app-requirement-details', templateurl: './requirement-details.component.html', styleurls: ['./requirement-details.component.css'] }) export class requirementdetailscomponent implements afterviewinit { private tabledatas = [ { name:'sameer', age: '20' }, { name:'nithya', age: '30' }, { name:'dinesh', age: '25' }, { name:'ramesh', age: '40' }, { name:'prabhu', age: '32' }, { name:'gopal', age: '35' }, { name:'irshad', age: '36' }, { name:'puhal', age: '33' }, { name:'rajagopal', age: '38' }, { name:'sakthi', age: '35' } ]; constructor() { } ngafterviewinit () { let component = this; $(".rtablebody").sortable({ axis: "y", cursor: "move", handle: ".handle", opacity: 0.6, helper: function(e, item) { console.log("parent-helper: ", item); if (!item.hasclass("ui-selected")) { //item.addclass("ui-selected"); } // clone selected elements var elements = $(".ui-selected").not('.ui-sortable-placeholder').clone(); console.log("making helper: ", elements); // hide selected elements item.siblings(".ui-selected").addclass("hidden"); var helper = $("<div class='rtable' ><div class='rtablebody'></div></div>"); helper.append(elements); console.log("helper: ", helper); return helper; }, start: function(e, ui) { var elements = ui.item.siblings(".ui-selected.hidden").not('.ui-sortable-placeholder');"items", elements); }, update: function(e, ui) { console.log("receiving: ","items")); $.each("items"), function(k, v) { console.log("appending ", v, " before ", ui.item); ui.item.before(v); }); }, stop: function(e, ui) { ui.item.siblings(".ui-selected").removeclass("hidden"); $(".ui-selected").removeclass("ui-selected"); } }) .selectable({ filter: ".rtablerow", cancel: ".handle" }) } }
and template code below
<div class="rtable"> <div class="rtablerow head"> <div class="rtablehead" style="width:5%;"><strong></strong></div> <div class="rtablehead"><span style="font-weight: bold;">name</span></div> <div class="rtablehead">age</div> </div> <div class="rtablebody"> <div class="rtablerow" *ngfor="let data of tabledatas; let = index;"> <div class="rtablecell"><div class="handle"></div>{{i+1}}</div> <div class="rtablecell">{{}}</div> <div class="rtablecell">{{data.age}}</div> </div> </div> </div>
table sorting working fine, need along table sorting component model variable should sorted. tried multiple things helped yet.
please give me solution this.
thanks in advance.
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