ReactJS Transitions - Why doesn't this work? -
i'd transition 1 element changes element.
i've got 3 examples:
- one works, uses list of items kept around (jsfiddle)
- one doesnt work, , keeps 1 item around, depending on state (jsfiddle)
- another 1 doesn't work, keeps both items around , hides/shows them (jsfiddle using hide/show)
what want more second one, slight variation of first attempt works.
option 1:
/** @jsx react.dom */ var reacttransitiongroup = react.addons.transitiongroup; var todolist = react.createclass({ getinitialstate: function() { return {items: ['hello', 'world', 'click', 'me']}; }, handleadd: function() { var newitems = this.state.items.concat([prompt('enter text')]); this.setstate({items: newitems}); }, handleremove: function(i) { var newitems = this.state.items; newitems.splice(i, 1) this.setstate({items: newitems}); }, render: function() { var items =, i) { return ( <div key={item} onclick={this.handleremove.bind(this, i)}> {item} </div> ); }.bind(this)); return ( <div> <div><button onclick={this.handleadd} /></div> <reacttransitiongroup transitionname="example"> {items} </reacttransitiongroup> </div> ); } }); var app = react.rendercomponent(<todolist />, document.body);
option 2: jsx doesn't work, closer i'd (really, hide 1 view, , show another)
/** @jsx react.dom */ var reacttransitiongroup = react.addons.transitiongroup; var test = react.createclass({ getinitialstate: function() { return {showone:true} }, onclick: function() { this.setstate({showone:! this.state.showone}); }, render: function() { var result; if (this.state.showone) { result = <div ref="a">one</div> } else { result = <div ref="a">two</div> } return ( <div> <div><button onclick={this.onclick}>switch state</button></div> <reacttransitiongroup transitionname="example"> {result} </reacttransitiongroup> </div> ); } }); var app = react.rendercomponent(<test />, document.body);
option 3: uses hide/show keep 2 views around, still doesn't work.
/** @jsx react.dom */ var reacttransitiongroup = react.addons.transitiongroup; var test = react.createclass({ getinitialstate: function() { return {showone:true} }, onclick: function() { this.setstate({showone:! this.state.showone}); }, render: function() { var result; var c1 = this.state.showone ? "hide" : "show"; var c2 = this.state.showone ? "show" : "hide"; return ( <div> <div><button onclick={this.onclick}>switch state</button></div> <reacttransitiongroup transitionname="example"> <div classname={c1}>one</div> <div classname={c2}>two</div> </reacttransitiongroup> </div> ); } }); var app = react.rendercomponent(<test />, document.body);
so long story short - how can make transition execute on switching 1 main "component" another? don't why option 1 works, option 2 doesn't!
react changing content of dom because that's changed. give elements unique keys make them animate.
if (this.state.showone) { result = <div key="one">one</div> } else { result = <div key="two">two</div> }
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