FFMpeg How to use multithreading? -
i want decode h264 ffmpeg, found decode function used 1 cpu core
env: ubuntu 14.04 ffmpeg 3.2.4 cpu i7-7500u
so, search ffmpeg multithreading , decide using cpu cores decoding.
set avcodeccontext this:
//init works //codecid=av_codec_id_h264; avcodec_register_all(); pcodec = avcodec_find_decoder(codecid); if (!pcodec) { printf("codec not found\n"); return -1; } pcodecctx = avcodec_alloc_context3(pcodec); if (!pcodecctx) { printf("could not allocate video codec context\n"); return -1; } pcodecparserctx=av_parser_init(codecid); if (!pcodecparserctx) { printf("could not allocate video parser context\n"); return -1; } pcodecctx->thread_count = 4; pcodecctx->thread_type = ff_thread_frame; pcodec->capabilities &= codec_cap_truncated; pcodecctx->flags |= codec_flag_truncated; if (avcodec_open2(pcodecctx, pcodec, null) < 0) { printf("could not open codec\n"); return -1; } av_log_set_level(av_log_quiet); av_init_packet(&packet);
//parse , decode //after av_parser_parse2, packet has complete frame data //in decode function, call avcodec_decode_video2 , frame copy work while (cur_size>0) { int len = av_parser_parse2( pcodecparserctx, pcodecctx, &packet.data, &packet.size, cur_ptr, cur_size, av_nopts_value, av_nopts_value, av_nopts_value); cur_ptr += len; cur_size -= len; if(getpacketsize()==0) continue; avframe *pframe = av_frame_alloc(); int ret = decode(pframe); if (ret < 0) { continue; } if (ret) { //some works } }
but nothing different before.
how can use multithreading in ffmpeg? advise?
pcodec->capabilities &= codec_cap_truncated;
and that's bug. please remove line. return value of avcodec_find_decoder()
should practical intents , purposes considered const.
specifically, statement removes av_codec_cap_frame_threads
flag codec's capabilities, disabling frame-multithreading in rest of code.
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