convert struct to cell array indexes Matlab -
how convert struct cell array indexes, have struct want convert cell array indexes respect to data
& label
. or possibly direct cell arrays according label , data avoid struct
my code:
for ii = 1:13 jj = 1:numel(obj.r) %r calc operatioiins end r=r(~cellfun('isempty',r)) ; tdata(ii).data=r; tdata(ii).label=cellfun(@(x) ['t' num2str(ii)] , num2cell(1:length(r))', 'uniformoutput', false); end
tdata(1).data ans = [10x3 double] [10x3 double] [10x3 double] [10x3 double] [10x3 double] [10x3 double] [10x3 double] >> tdata(1).label ans = 't1' 't1' 't1' 't1' 't1' 't1' 't1'
edit 1:
possibly change following: actual output:
[10x3 double] [10x3 double] [ 8x3 double] [10x3 double] [10x3 double] [10x3 double] [10x3 double] 't1' [ 5x3 double] [ 5x3 double] [ 5x3 double] [ 5x3 double] [ 5x3 double] [ 5x3 double] 't2' [ 5x3 double] [ 5x3 double] [ 5x3 double] [ 5x3 double] [ 5x3 double] [ 5x3 double] 't3'
desired output:
[10x3 double] 't1' [10x3 double] 't1' [ 8x3 double] 't1' [10x3 double] 't1' [10x3 double] 't1' [10x3 double] 't1' [10x3 double] 't1'
i'm not 100% on this, try adding end of for-loop:
tdatacellarray{ii} = {{tdata(ii).data}, {tdata(ii).label}}
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