mySQL set a varchar without the special characters -
i use mysql dbms, have these rows in table:
product_name | product_code | prod_type prod1@00x | 1 | @prod2@00x | 2 | +prod3@@00x | 3 |
i wanna set prod_type = product_name without special characters.
=> prod_type prod100x prod200x prod300x
(i can have other special characters not '@' , '+')
how can that?
method 1:
you can use replace() method remove special characters in mysql, don't know if it's efficient though. should work.
like below:
select replace(replace(product_name,'@',''),'+','') prod_type table1
method 2:
if have other special charcter go (source)
-- ---------------------------- -- function structure `udf_cleanstring` -- ---------------------------- drop function if exists `udf_cleanstring`; delimiter ;; create function `udf_cleanstring`(`in_str` varchar(4096)) returns varchar(4096) charset utf8 begin declare out_str varchar(4096) default ''; declare c varchar(4096) default ''; declare pointer int default 1; if isnull(in_str) return null; else while pointer <= length(in_str) set c = mid(in_str, pointer, 1); if ascii(c) > 31 , ascii(c) < 127 set out_str = concat(out_str, c); end if; set pointer = pointer + 1; end while; end if; return out_str; end ;; delimiter ;
after call function follows:
select product_name, udf_cleanstring(product_name) 'product_type' table1;
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