java - Commands executed using JSch behaves differently than in SSH terminal (bypasses confirm prompt message of "yes/"no") -

note: log device, not computer, login configuration mode (instead of non configuration mode).

i using jsch library in java, login ssh protocol. login this:

channel = con.openchannel("shell"); channel.connect(); 

in cases, when send through shell command needs su (configuration mode) permissions (change configuration), code bypasses prompt confirmation message of - may prevent other users changing configuration. while if enter command manually ssh client/terminal, have enter yes confirmation.

does have idea why?

[manual shell session]

when log in through jsch can configuration commands even, when don't insert "yes" array of commands executed.

by default jsch not request pty (pseudo-terminal).

that can cause commands behave differently in interactive ssh terminal.

you can override using channelsession.setpty.

if above not help, see similar questions:


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