java - Spring Integration get FTP files recursively with outbound-gateway -

i'm trying files within directory structure of 3 levels deep.
- image a.jpg exists in folder /images/12/34/
- image b.jpg exists in folder /images/56/78

i've tried outbound-gateway stated in :

my configuration :

<bean id="ftpsessionfactory"     class="org.springframework.integration.ftp.session.defaultftpsessionfactory">     <property name="host" value=""/>     <property name="port" value="21"/>     <property name="username" value="administrator"/>     <property name="password" value="sgtspeedy1"/>     <property name="filetype" value="2"/>     <property name="clientmode" value="2" /> </bean>  <int-ftp:outbound-gateway id="gatewayls"     cache-sessions="false"     session-factory="ftpsessionfactory"     request-channel="inbound"     command="ls"     command-options=""     expression="'/images/*/*'"     reply-channel="tosplitter"/>  <int:channel id="tosplitter" /> <int-stream:stdout-channel-adapter channel="tosplitter" append-newline="true"/> 

i've omitted splitter , print out testing purposes.

when testing, not file. i've tried setting folder /images/* , returns images under 'images' folder not recursively stated in links provided. folders /12/34 , /56/78 aren't taken account.

i cannot see i'm missing. can help?

p.s. i'm working on spring integration 2.2.6 without option upgrade 4.0.2 (newest), because i'm using framework. otherwise i'd use -r option gateway!

i tested foo/foo/bar/qux.txt , foo/foo/baz/fiz.txt with

<int-ftp:outbound-gateway id="gatewayls"     session-factory="ftpsessionfactory"     request-channel="inbound"     command="ls"     command-options="-1"     expression="'foo/*/*'"     reply-channel="tosplitter"/> 

and worked fine; expected...

11:34:55.983 debug [main] ...[payload arraylist content=[fiz.txt, qux.txt]]...

(i added -1 option filename).

this using linux ftpd on server side.

are sure files in /images , not images? (or user chrooted / home)?


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