database - Get SQL Server remote procedure result -

i have 2 sql server 2005, want pull data b.

i execute code on b.:

create table #res (    valueid int,    [timestamp] varchar(32),    realvalue float,    quality int,    flags int );  insert #res(valueid, [timestamp], [realvalue], [quality], [flags])    exec ('exec [cc_externalbrowsing].[dbo].[cc_sp_readtags] @list=''1;2;3;4;5'', @timebegin=''0000-00-00 00:05:00.000'', @timeend=''0000-00-00 00:00:00.000''') @ [winccteszt]  select * #res; drop table #res 

exec part runs fine (without previous insert line). can see data in ssms, can't insert data temp table

i error:

the procedure 'sys.addlinkedserver' cannot executed within transaction.

any ideas?



use table-valued variable instead of explicit temp table - table-creation cannot occur within transaction. try instead:

declare @res table (    valueid     int,    [timestamp] varchar(32),    realvalue   float,    quality     int,    flags       int );  insert @res(valueid, [timestamp], [realvalue], [quality], [flags])    exec ('exec [cc_externalbrowsing].[dbo].[cc_sp_readtags] @list=''1;2;3;4;5'', @timebegin=''0000-00-00 00:05:00.000'', @timeend=''0000-00-00 00:00:00.000''') @ [winccteszt]  select * @res;  -- drop table @res    -- no longer needed 


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