python - How to get around multi-threaded import issues with tornado in a cx_freeze environment? -
i'm using cx_freeze version 4.3.4 freeze python project containing tornado server.
it seems cx_freeze can't handle doing multiple imports of same module @ same time. ideas of how freeze tornado server without problem?
5 file "c:\python34\lib\site-packages\tornado\" line 1850 in listen 6 file "c:\python34\lib\site-packages\tornado\" line 127 in listen 7 file "c:\python34\lib\site-packages\tornado\" line 139 in add_sockets 8 file "c:\python34\lib\site-packages\tornado\" line 213 in current 9 file "c:\python34\lib\site-packages\tornado\" line 161 in instance 10 file "c:\python34\lib\site-packages\tornado\" line 268 in __new__ 11 file "c:\python34\lib\site-packages\tornado\" line 332 in configured_class 12 file "c:\python34\lib\site-packages\tornado\" line 248 in configurable_default 13 file "c:\python\32-bit\3.4\lib\importlib\" line 2237 in _find_and_load 14 file "c:\python\32-bit\3.4\lib\importlib\" line 2226 in _find_and_load_unlocked [ 15 file "c:\python\32-bit\3.4\lib\importlib\" line 1191 in _load_unlocked 16 file "c:\python\32-bit\3.4\lib\importlib\" line 1161 in _load_backward_compatible zipimporterror: can't decompress data; zlib not available
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