Fatal error: Class 'Respect\Validation\Validator' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\cart\app\Validation\Forms\OrderForm.php on line 12 -

i installed respect/validation composer when using work error when loading page.

"fatal error: class 'respect\validation\validator' not found in c:\xampp\htdocs\cart\app\validation\forms\orderform.php on line 12"

this code of page on:

<?php  namespace cart\validation\forms;  use respect\validation\validator v;  class orderform {     public static function rules()     {         return[             'email' => v::email(),             'name' => v::alpha(' '),             'address1' => v::alnum(' -'),             'address2' => v::optional(v::alnum(' -')),             'city' => v::alnum(' '),             'postal_code' => v::alnum(' '),         ];      } } 


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